State and Local Tax
Here at Rea & Associates, we never underestimate the impact state and local tax (SALT) law can - and does - have on your business's bottom line. That's why we've established a team of SALT experts to stay up-to-date on the laws and regulations all business owners need to be aware of - especially if you conduct any portion of your business online. From Ohio to Florida, New York to Idaho and everywhere in between, failing to adhere to the laws in your state and beyond can be incredibly costly.
Peace of Mind Starts Here
We are proud to be able to offer our clients with a robust selection of state and local tax services, including:
Allocation & apportionment reviews
One of the most challenging areas of income and related types of taxes is how you source your income. Some kinds of income are allocated and some are apportioned. Do you know the difference. Find out how an allocation and apportionment review can protect your business.
Sales & use tax compliance and reviews
Did you know that sales and use taxes are handled differently in different states? The nuances can be enough to make you dizzy. Our team of sales and use tax professionals can go through your business operations, exemptions, purchases, etc., with a fine-tooth comb to make sure you are only paying what is expected of your business.
Credits & incentives services
Your business is a job creator. You're hiring people, adding fixed assets and generally helping to improve your local economy. Businesses like yours drive the economy and keep America moving forward – and the tax code and policy rewards your investment with credits & incentives. Read on to find out how we can help you claim your share.
Nexus studies
If you conduct any portion of your business out of state, you probably have a number of state taxing jurisdictions eyeing your company for nexus. A nexus study will show you your liabilities and can help you avoid future tax issues. Keep reading to learn how a nexus study can ease your mind and strengthen your bottom line.
Voluntary disclosure services
There's no way around it, if your business owes back taxes, you will have to pay up sooner or later. But, did you know that you can limit your liability through a voluntary disclosure agreement? Read on to find out how this process works.
Due diligence reviews
Are you looking to purchase another business or even maybe sell your own? Before signing anything, it’s imperative to do your homework. Failure to do so will likely cost you. Read on to find out how.
Audit defense services
Thousands of businesses are audited every year for various tax considerations, including sales, use or commercial activity taxes. When it comes to your business, it's not a matter of if, it's when. Find out how our audit defense services can provide you with peace of mind while saving you money.
Loan staffing
Does your internal tax department need a boost? We can help with that. Keep reading to find out how.
Business registrations and use tax accrual training
Administrative and accounting departments are responsible for handling a multitude of business-related tasks. Read on to find out how we can help your staff with their state and local tax responsibilities.
Article | Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of South Dakota, Physical Presence Is A Thing Of The Past
Podcast | How Wayfair v. South Dakota Will Influence The Way Businesses Approach Sales Tax
Podcast | Municipal Taxes Got You Down?
Article | Online Sales Get Complicated
Article | Ohio's Tax Conformity Bill Retroactively Adopts TCJA Provisions
13,000 Reasons To Always Ask Questions - These days, it’s not unusual to travel (sometimes great distances) for your career. It’s also becoming more and more common for professionals to utilize their home offices as their primary work spaces. But whether you’re enduring long commutes each day, telecommuting from home or hopping a plane across country a few times each month, be sure to review your W-2s to determine whether the municipal taxes that are withheld from your paycheck are correct. You may be surprised to learn how easy it can be to overlook this particular line item. This case study will explain why.
Salt Software Simplicity (Podcast)
From word processing to filing taxes, there’s a software solution for everything these days. As society continues to change and legislation alters the way business is done, there are people who are hard at work developing programs to address these changes. Take South Dakota v. Wayfair, for example. Overnight, the way companies calculated and paid taxes in the various states they do business changed. Fortunately, tech solutions were immediately available to make the changes a little more tolerable. Kathy LaMonica, a senior manager and technology consultant on Rea’s state and local tax team, joins Dave Cain on unsuitable to talk about the various tech solutions available and how they can save businesses from costly fines and penalties now that Wayfair is the law of the land.
State Taxation Overkill (podcast)
Wayfair is, as our host Dave Cain describes it, “crazy town.” Now that states have implemented some version of Wayfair, they’re looking at creating anti-avoidance rules that prevent businesses from taking advantage of loopholes to avoid taxation in a state (like splitting a business into two so that revenue falls below a certain threshold). But here’s where it starts getting crazy – states are farming out their state tax audits on a contingent fee! We’re in for a wild ride in 2019 as we see how this all shakes out.
Extreme Nexus: South Dakota vs. Wayfair (podcast)
Well, in case you haven't heard, the Supreme Court weighed in on the monumental South Dakota v. Wayfair case and South Dakota came up victorious. Joe Popp joins us again on unsuitable on Rea Radio to talk about what this ruling means for your business and what you can do today to prepare for the massive changes that are about to take place.
New Nexus Rules To Result From Monumental South Dakota vs. Wayfair Case
The U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in South Dakota vs Wayfair. It’s been a highly anticipated and, at times, polarizing case and many business owners are rightfully concerned about what this might mean for their business. There is quite a lot to do and consider now that their decision is the law of the land. Keep reading for a couple of thoughts on what this decision means and what you should do now to begin your own response to this historic case.
Supreme Court Issues South Dakota vs. Wayfair Decision
If you've ever heard the phrase "physical presence" in the context of sales tax nexus, well, thanks to the Supreme Court, that concept is basically dead. In the most important ruling in more than 20 years with regard to tax nexus, the court sided with South Dakota. Read on.
What The Wayfair?! How Wayfair vs. South Dakota Will Influence The Way Businesses Approach Sales Tax (podcast)
To get more knowledge about this landmark case, Rea's state and local tax services team visited Washington D.C. in April to hear opening arguments on the South Dakota vs. Wayfair case.
We are committed to serving businesses across all industries and are committed to building our suite of services designed to address unique challenges across a wide range of industries. Check back often to discover what else our SALT services team can do!
- Construction - Rea’s dedicated team of state and local tax experts are committed to revealing and addressing issues that may have been overlooked in the past. Identifying current savings opportunities and counseling businesses on existing and future SALT matters and incentives based projects for construction companies. Read on to find out how we can help you.
- Business Valuations - If you are in the market or buy or are preparing to sell, without a proper assessment of a company's state and local tax liabilities, you never really know what you're getting into.
- Manufacturing - State and local tax concerns are just part of the day-to-day as a manufacturer and it just got more tricky now that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of South Dakota, effectively making physical presence a think of the past.